Process of Marriage Annulment in Alabama

Marriage annulment is a legal procedure that can end a marriage before it becomes official. Annulment is different from divorce, which ends a marriage after it's been established. Marriage annulments are available in all 50 states, but they must be handled differently depending on where you live.

The process of getting an AL Marriage Annulment is not difficult if you have all the necessary information and paperwork. If you don't know where to start, here's what you need to know about getting an annulment in Alabama.

What Is Marriage Annulment?

Annulment is a legal process that dissolves a marriage before it becomes official. It's usually reserved for situations in which one or both spouses discover they have some kind of defect or impediment that would prevent them from being legally married. The state legislature determines what kinds of defects are acceptable grounds for an annulment and what kind of evidence is required to prove them.

AL Marriage Annulment is a legal process that ends a marriage and treats it as if it never occurred. Annulment has the same effect as divorce, but there are differences in how each procedure works. The differences between marriage annulment and divorce include:

Marriage annulment can be granted without proof of fault. You do not have to prove that your spouse did something wrong or failed to meet his or her marital obligations.

Marriage annulment is difficult to obtain. You must convince a judge that your marriage was void from the beginning, because the marriage was invalid or voidable at the time of its creation. For example, you may be able to prove that one or both spouses were under age 18 when they got married or lacked mental capacity at the time of their wedding ceremony.

There is no waiting period for a marriage annulment in Alabama if you are seeking an annulment on grounds of fraud, bigamy (being already married), incest (sexual relations with blood relatives) or bigamy and incest together.

Marriage annulments in Alabama are not common, but they do occur. In Alabama, there are several reasons that a marriage could be annulled. An annulment is different from divorce because it means the marriage never legally existed.

The process of obtaining an AL Marriage Annulment is similar to getting a divorce, except without all of the property division and child custody matters. The court will issue orders for you to pay child support if you have children together.

The grounds for an annulment in Alabama include:

Fraud or duress, such as when one spouse was forced into the marriage against their will because of threats, blackmail or bribery;

If one spouse is already married;

If you were under 18 years old when you got married; or

If your spouse was already legally married at the time of your marriage ceremony. 

Our firm has been providing marriage annulment services to clients in AL and across the country for over a decade. We offer marriage annulment across all 50 states for any reason. Please contact our firm today to arrange your free consultation and finally find peace, closure, and hope for your future. 


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